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Старый 28.04.2017, 19:48   #1
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По умолчанию Реализация ввода функции через TextBox

Здравствуйте, я новичок в си шарпе и у меня возникла следующая проблема. Нужно реализовать ввод функции через текстбокс.
Начала писать код,

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{string input = (textBox1.Text); 
Function f = new Function(input);
double result;
return result = f.calculate(x);}
дальше вроде нашла строки для разбора (только на др.языке)
public class Parser
{ public const char START_ARG = '(';
public const char END_ARG   = ')';
public const char END_LINE  = '\n';
class Cell
{internal Cell(double value, char action)
{ Value = value; Action = action;
 internal double Value  { get; set; }
internal char   Action { get; set; }
public static double process(string data)
{// Get rid of spaces and check parenthesis
string expression = preprocess(data);
int from = 0;
return loadAndCalculate(data, ref from, END_LINE);}
static string preprocess(string data)
{  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
{ throw new ArgumentException("Loaded empty data");}
int parentheses = 0;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(data.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
{char ch = data[i];
switch (ch)
{case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\n': continue;
case END_ARG:   parentheses--;
case START_ARG: parentheses++;
if (parentheses != 0)
{throw new ArgumentException("Uneven parenthesis");}
 return result.ToString();}
 public static double loadAndCalculate(string data, ref int from, char to = END_LINE)
{if (from >= data.Length || data[from] == to)
{throw new ArgumentException("Loaded invalid data: " + data);}
List<Cell> listToMerge = new List<Cell>(16);
StringBuilder item = new StringBuilder();
{ // Main processing cycle of the first part.
 char ch = data[from++];
 if (stillCollecting(item.ToString(), ch, to))
{ // The char still belongs to the previous operand.
 if (from < data.Length && data[from] != to)
// We are done getting the next token. The getValue() call below may
// recursively call loadAndCalculate(). This will happen if extracted
// item is a function or if the next item is starting with a START_ARG '('.
ParserFunction func = new ParserFunction(data, ref from, item.ToString(), ch);
double value = func.getValue(data, ref from);
char action = validAction(ch) ? ch
 : updateAction(data, ref from, ch, to);
listToMerge.Add(new Cell(value, action));
} while (from < data.Length && data[from] != to);
 if (from < data.Length &&
(data[from] == END_ARG || data[from] == to))
{ // This happens when called recursively: move one char forward.
 from++; }
Cell baseCell = listToMerge[0];
int index = 1;
return merge(baseCell, ref index, listToMerge);}
static bool stillCollecting(string item, char ch, char to)
{ // Stop collecting if either got END_ARG ')' or to char, e.g. ','.
char stopCollecting = (to == END_ARG || to == END_LINE) ?
END_ARG : to;
 return (item.Length == 0 && (ch == '-' || ch == END_ARG)) ||
!(validAction(ch) || ch == START_ARG || ch == stopCollecting);}
static bool validAction(char ch)
{return ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '^';}
static char updateAction(string item, ref int from, char ch, char to)
{ if (from >= item.Length || item[from] == END_ARG || item[from] == to)
{ return END_ARG;}
int index = from;
char res = ch;
while (!validAction(res) && index < item.Length)
{ // Look for the next character in string until a valid action is found.
res = item[index++];}
from = validAction(res) ? index
: index > from ? index - 1
: from;
return res;
// From outside this function is called with mergeOneOnly = false.
// It also calls itself recursively with mergeOneOnly = true, meaning
// that it will return after only one merge.
static double merge(Cell current, ref int index, List<Cell> listToMerge,
bool mergeOneOnly = false)
{while (index < listToMerge.Count)
{ Cell next = listToMerge[index++];
 while (!canMergeCells(current, next))
{ // If we cannot merge cells yet, go to the next cell and merge
// next cells first. E.g. if we have 1+2*3, we first merge next
// cells, i.e. 2*3, getting 6, and then we can merge 1+6.
merge(next, ref index, listToMerge, true /* mergeOneOnly */);
mergeCells(current, next);
        if (mergeOneOnly)
          return current.Value;
      return current.Value;
    static void mergeCells(Cell leftCell, Cell rightCell)
      switch (leftCell.Action)
        case '^': leftCell.Value = Math.Pow(leftCell.Value, rightCell.Value);
        case '*': leftCell.Value *= rightCell.Value;
        case '/':
          if (rightCell.Value == 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Division by zero");
          leftCell.Value /= rightCell.Value;
        case '+': leftCell.Value += rightCell.Value;
        case '-': leftCell.Value -= rightCell.Value;
      leftCell.Action = rightCell.Action;
    static bool canMergeCells(Cell leftCell, Cell rightCell)
      return getPriority(leftCell.Action) >= getPriority(rightCell.Action);
    static int getPriority(char action)
      switch (action) {
        case '^': return 4;
        case '*':
        case '/': return 3;
        case '+':
        case '-': return 2;
      return 0;
  public class ParserFunction
    public ParserFunction()
      m_impl = this;
    // A "virtual" Constructor
    internal ParserFunction(string data, ref int from, string item, char ch)
      if (item.Length == 0 && ch == Parser.START_ARG)
        // There is no function, just an expression in parentheses
        m_impl = s_idFunction;
      if (m_functions.TryGetValue(item, out m_impl))
        // Function exists and is registered (e.g. pi, exp, etc.)
      // Function not found, will try to parse this as a number.
      s_strtodFunction.Item = item;
      m_impl = s_strtodFunction;
    public static void addFunction(string name, ParserFunction function)
      m_functions[name] = function;
    public double getValue(string data, ref int from)
      return m_impl.evaluate(data, ref from);
    protected virtual double evaluate(string data, ref int from)
      // The real implementation will be in the derived classes.
      return 0;
    private ParserFunction m_impl;
    private static Dictionary<string, ParserFunction> m_functions = new Dictionary<string, ParserFunction>();
private static StrtodFunction s_strtodFunction = new StrtodFunction();
private static IdentityFunction s_idFunction = new IdentityFunction();
 class StrtodFunction : ParserFunction
  {protected override double evaluate(string data, ref int from)
    {double num;
      if (!Double.TryParse(Item, out num)) {
        throw new ArgumentException("Could not parse token [" + Item + "]");
      return num;}
 public string Item { private get; set; }
 class IdentityFunction : ParserFunction
  {protected override double evaluate(string data, ref int from)
    {return Parser.loadAndCalculate(data, ref from, Parser.END_ARG);
 class PiFunction : ParserFunction
  { protected override double evaluate(string data, ref int from)
    {return 3.141592653589793;
  class ExpFunction : ParserFunction
  {protected override double evaluate(string data, ref int from)
    {double arg = Parser.loadAndCalculate(data, ref from, Parser.END_ARG);
      return Math.Exp(arg);}}
и не могу понять, как переделать это под си# и совместить все
Кто может подсказать как все вместе совместить, что бы работало?
Буду премного благодарна.
Dasha98 вне форума Ответить с цитированием

Купить рекламу на форуме - 42 тыс руб за месяц

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